Next stop: Melbourne

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Hosting the next International Vasculitis Workshop will increase the profile of vasculitis care and research in Australia, NZ and the Asia-Pacific Region, says Prof Catherine Hill.

The Australia and New Zealand Vasculitis Society (ANZVASC) has been awarded the 22nd International Vasculitis Workshop, to be held in Melbourne in February 2026.

“ANZVASC was established in 2018 and it was a pillar of ANVASC’s strategic plan to hold this international workshop in Australia to increase the profile of vasculitis care and research in Australia, NZ and the Asia-Pacific Region,” said Professor Catherine Hill, deputy chair of ANZVASC.

“Melbourne 2026 will be the first time that a regional vasculitis society has hosted the meeting,” Professor Hill told Rheumatology Republic.

The convenors will be Melbourne nephrologist Professor Richard Kitching, NZ rheumatologist Dr Vicki Quincey and Professor Hill.

Professor Hill said the workshop will run over four days in Melbourne in February 2026, and the program will include basic and clinical research covering all forms of vasculitis.

Prior to the conference will be an education course for healthcare professionals and an education and networking day for people living with vasculitis and their carers.

ANZVASC board member Dr Daman Langguth, a Brisbane-based clinical immunologist, told Rheumatology Republic that he and other board members had been talking to their international vasculitis colleagues for some time, trying to interest them in coming to Australia.

“It was a bit of a battle, but we won out in the end.”

“It’s going to give so many more physicians in Australia and New Zealand, as well as Southeast Asia, the ability to travel relatively cheaply and get an update on all things rare. I see a lot of vasculitis, but for many others, you might only see one or two patients in a year with vasculitis.

“It also provides education for general practitioners, who we’ll aim to include in the workshop,” he said.

“And the patient day will be awesome!”

“There was one in Barcelona, and we have two great patient advocates on our board who will be very keen to help supervise and organise that together with us.”

The 2024 workshop in Barcelona has just drawn to a close, with over 800 delegates attending sessions over four days.

“We are very much looking forward to hosting a similar size event!” said Professor Hill.

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