On plagues, pandemics and Philly cheesesteak

2 minute read

Dr Adam J Brown talks about his upcoming presentation on the societal impact of plagues and pandemics, while Dr Laura Eades shares her ACR22 highlights thus far.

Today I was delighted to welcome one of my heroes in medicine, Dr Adam J Brown, to the Rheumatology Republic podcast.

In addition to his position at Cleveland Clinic, Adam also hosts the podcast Healio Rheuminations.

Tomorrow Adam will be talking about the history of how plagues have impacted societies in the past, and what we’ve learned from it. He’ll look at the Black Death and the 1918 flu pandemics and how they shaped society somewhat for the better.

“Sometimes it’s obviously for the worst, you know, millions of people dying. But all these things have kind of unexpected consequences from the pandemic, not just from death, not just from the current economic turmoil.

“But, for example, from 1918 we got a lot better understanding of viruses, we got a lot better understanding of vaccine trials, which even led the paved the way for the polio vaccine.”

You can hear what Adam had to say in this podcast, and those with ACR registration can see his presentation The Societal Impacts of Plagues and Pandemics throughout History.

I also caught up with Dr Laura Eades, an advanced trainee in her third year at Monash. She attended the 11F101 Review Course on the Friday, and said her highlight was the Sjögren’s Disease and Mimics presentation by Dr Sara McCoy of the University of Wisconsin.

Discussing case studies with conditions that needed a differential diagnosis, including HIV, hepatitis C and eosinophilic sialodochitis, Sara took the audience through some of the available tools to sort these mimics from the real thing.

For those with ACR registration, slides of the talk are available (unfortunately the on-demand recording didn’t capture her whole talk).

Laura has also just started a PhD on lupus in Indigenous Australians and is keen to attend some of the lupus sessions at the conference, focusing on the molecular basis of lupus and predictors of severity.

Hear what she had to say about the conference so far and her impressions of ACR and Philadelphia in this short podcast.

Dr Julian Segan is a consultant rheumatologist at Melbourne Rheumatology Group and Alfred Health. He’s podcasting for Rheumatology Republic from ACR Convergence 2022 in Philadelphia.

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